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Ecology Work

Having always been passionate about animals, Jess has worked and volunteered in many different roles and has gained a wealth of experience of British wildlife and the natural environment.
Establishments she has worked/volunteered for include: Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, London Zoo, The Natural History Museum, London Wildlife Trust, Surrey Wildlife Trust and The Royal Parks.
Jess has ten year's experience in surveying for protected species. She also holds a Class 2 Dormouse Handling and Clipping Licence and manages a National Dormouse Monitoring Programme site in Surrey. She is an associate member of CIEEM.
If you require any assistance with projects, Jess is available for the following:
Bat surveys (dusk/transect)
Great crested newt surveys/translocations
Dormice surveys
Reptile surveys/translocations
Bat call analysis
Report writing
Phase 1 surveys
Water vole surveys

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